My Nail Romance with A Girl and Her Polish

A Girl and Her Polish - My Nail Romance

Meet Katee Baum, the nails behind A Girl and Her Polish. She is a self-proclaimed nail polish-oholic and shares swatches and nail art, including tutorials on her blog.

Tell me a bit about your blog

I started blogging about my adventures in nail polish a year ago and I love it! On my blog, A Girl and Her Polish, I share my nail art and review nail polish. I am a complete novice and have never had any sort of training. Everything I do is about my love of nail polish. I show step-by-step techniques so that you at home can recreate my designs and my nail polish reviews give my honest opinion so you don’t waste your time with bad polish!

How often do you post?

I post at least once a day, although some days I have posted a couple times.

Are you left or right handed?

I am right handed.

What’s your best tip for painting your other hand?

Take your time and don’t rush it. If you do make a mistake you can always go back and clean it up.

How often do you paint your nails?

It depends on what I am involved with. If I am doing a few challenges I can change my polish everyday, or a couple times a day. On average I probably change my polish at the least, 4 times a week.

How many polishes in your collection?

I have 836 bottles of polish.

How do you store your polishes?

All of my polish is stored in 2 Helmers from Ikea.

Which brand has the best brush?

I have small nail beds, so I tend to like the littler brushes better. I think butter LONDON has the best brush.

Favourite polish brand?

This is a tough question! My favorites right now are butter LONDON, Essence, Barry M and Catrice.

Favourite indie brand?

I have 2 top Indies that I love, Sonoma Nail Polish and HARE polish.

Best luxe brand?

I actually have not tried too many luxe brands. I just bought my first NARS polish, but I haven’t used it yet. I do love butter LONDON.

Best bargain buy?

Fabulous price and awesome formula!

Favorite colour?


Favorite colour combinations?

Black and white

Best color for school?

I think any color works for school, including nail art.

Best color for work?

This question depends on your job. I am a teacher and can wear whatever color I want. Some jobs, such as office work, may require something more subtle like a nude or pink.

Best party color?


What colour did you wear on your wedding day?

I wore OPI Matched Luggage

Best tip for making nail polish last longer?

Make sure the cap in on, don’t leave it sitting out, keep it in a cool, dry place…like a Helmer.

What’s your favourite nail art trend?

I love stamping. There are so many fun and interesting design that can be created using stamps.

A girl and Her Polish - nail blog header

Thank you so much for sharing your nail romance Katee! Stop by and see her at A Girl and Her Polish and connect with Katee online –

Facebook – AGirlandHerPolish
Twitter – @AGirlaHerPolish

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